In veterinary education, high quality personalised CPD that is 100% relevant to your practice, specific clinical requirements and the needs of your staff is hard to come by.
That is why, with Burtons Academy, we offer live practice webinar-styled education from our clinical team on a wide range of anaesthetic monitoring and ventilation topics suitable for both veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses, with brand new content scheduled to be added in the coming months.
This webinar and the others in the ventilation series have been customised for the specific requirements of vets and nurses in practice. The content has been designed, written, and will be presented by lead clinical professionals Keith Simpson MRCVS and Karen Heskin MRCVS, who have decades of collective experience spanning general and referral practice, research, development, and teaching.
What will this webinar cover?
Designed for veterinarians and nurses wanting to advance their anaesthesia skills, this webinar will provide foundational training on mechanical ventilation.
This webinar is ideal for vets and nurses who are new to mechanical ventilation or the Merlin ventilator and will also serve as a refresher for those familiar with volume cycling.
In this webinar we will discuss when and why we should ventilate our patients and the physiological processes behind both spontaneous and mechanical ventilation.
Understanding the terminology and different cycling modes will allow us to take a look at the Merlin ventilator and review the basic controls, safety features and breathing system options. Step-by-step we will learn how to set Merlin up for volume cycling, the selection of appropriate settings, and how to introduce a patient to mechanical ventilation. Weaning a patient off a ventilator will also be covered.
Clinical Director Keith Simpson BVSc MRCVS MIET(electronics) has extensive knowledge of patient ventilation, respiratory physiology and anaesthetic monitoring, and has been involved in equipment design and anaesthesia research since 1994. Karen Heskin BVSc CertSAO MSc(VAA) MRCVS has a special interest in anaesthesia, including capnography, monitoring and perioperative analgesia. Evidence-based veterinary medicine is at the core of this webinar series and Karen is keen to share this knowledge with the veterinary community. Karen has a background as a small animal GP and referral surgeon, making her the perfect candidate to tackle the day-to-day issues you might face in practice. Both Keith and Karen are members of the Burtons Clinical team and Burtons Academy.
What is included?
- Why and when should we ventilate our patients
- The physiological basis of spontaneous and mechanical ventilation
- Cycling modes
- Step-by-step guide to using Merlin for volume cycling
- Introducing a patient to, and weaning them off, mechanical ventilation
The webinar will run for approximately 1 hour, followed by a Q&A session. Please allow a minimum of 90 minutes to accommodate for set-up and questions. Ongoing support is offered via email and phone. If there are any topics you would like to run through, feel free to add them in the comments section of the booking link we will provide.
There is no limit on the number of people in your practice that can join the webinar, and a viewing link will be provided allowing those not on that shift to watch remotely. (It will not be available to download or watch on demand).
Written notes and CPD certificates will be sent after the event and completion of the session assessment.
Karen Heskin BVSc CertSAO MSc(VAA) MRCVS - Veterinary Clinical Consultant (Anaesthesia)
Keith Simpson BVSc, MRCVS, MIET(Electronics) - Clinical Director
Dates & Times available:
Once you have purchased your ticket online, we will send you a follow-up email with a link to choose a suitable date and time, and to provide any remaining required information. You can book up to 2 months in advance on most days apart from Mondays. Each session lasts approximately 90 minutes in total, allowing time for set up and Q&A.
Please remember that attendance must be live, as the sessions will not be recorded. The Microsoft Teams link can be shared with all of those wishing to attend, whether in-clinic or remotely. We look forward to seeing you.