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Endotracheal Cuff Intubation Techniques - AG Cuffill

Endotracheal Cuff Intubation Techniques - AG Cuffill

Airway devices are used to secure and maintain and protect a patent airway, provide a means to deliver oxygen and volatile gases, remove expired waste gases and support ventilation. Find out more about their uses + learn how to use the AG Cuffil.

Ready, Set, Ventilate! But first, are you prepared?

Ready, Set, Ventilate! But first, are you prepared?

This blog discusses why a patient may require support with their ventilation and then explores the issues above, before setting out a framework to follow that ensures your practice is ready to receive and work with a new ventilator.  

The Merlin Ventilator - An In-Depth Guide

The Merlin Ventilator - An In-Depth Guide

Introduction to Colour Coded Capnography

Introduction to Colour Coded Capnography
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